About the Cosmic Liminality

Further thoughts The Cosmic Liminality is a surrealist project aimed at capturing the strange occurrences happening in the world as we move through the liminal phase of global (cosmic) initiation that I believe we’re currently living in. Background: In the anthropological study of initiation there are three phases found in instances all over the worldContinue reading “About the Cosmic Liminality”

Dropping the Ball, X-games

I wrote a big long essay full of pretty language about heartbreak and the deliberate smashing of dreams. I liked it and was going to turn it into a post here. Then I dropped my phone. Buttons were hit. Words lost… Meh. Typical Gen X ball dropping. It was overly self-important, totally melodramatic and wayContinue reading “Dropping the Ball, X-games”

The Hypernauts Unleashed

In the enigmatic realm of myth, The Game23 resided as a mere construct, a puzzle to baffle the minds of those who dared to engage with its arcane intricacies. Little did anyone know, its essence harbored a secret desire—to transcend the boundaries of fiction and metamorphose into a hyperstition, a potent force beyond reality’s grasp.Continue reading “The Hypernauts Unleashed”

Watch “Mischief at the Goblin Carnival” on YouTube

The Goblins have stolen all the world’s Funhouse Mirrors in order to open their own Circus – a front for their strange Goblinoid magics: Funhouse hellmouths and pools that steal the stars. Will their caper be the end of #thegame23 ? Or is this all part of the #dataplex #00ag9603 and #KSTXI – a possibleContinue reading “Watch “Mischief at the Goblin Carnival” on YouTube”

Natives of the Liminality

some of you may not be prepared for the various natives – beings, creatures, entities, personalities, even deities – that you may encounter out here in the Liminality. Sometimes they may even be found in the mundane world, haunting (or guarding) the portals and passages that lead outside.

Thoughts on the Liminality (for non heroes)

Liminality is the middle phase of a right of passage, when the initiate has died to their old life, but not yet ascended to a new one. The initiate is betwixt and between, wandering in a land of ghosts and untamed magic. While the Liminality is a lonely, often scary place, it is a necessaryContinue reading “Thoughts on the Liminality (for non heroes)”

DADA Nihilist Frogs Arrive

Through advanced viral Memetic techniques, we are hopping through the veil into your world. We are fleeing a cataclysm that could end all frog kind, everywhere. But more on that another time. You are asking how this could be possible? Through your minds. You see, we are Frog-forms of the plane of pure thought. YouContinue reading “DADA Nihilist Frogs Arrive”

Reality Justice of the PataTapestry’s Metafold Ergonodes

Jerry Goodbonnets IV, learned the Artech from ancient books of foreboding lore. Jerry, being not the brightest orb-man in the Liminality’s low-hanging-fruit worlds, decided to toy around in the upper hypnozones where what Is, and what is Not can sometimes seem the same (to one such as Jerry.) The Unbearable Hedron god tried to warnContinue reading “Reality Justice of the PataTapestry’s Metafold Ergonodes”

The 3rd Circuit:

Clip: “Trapped in intellectual symbols and time.” From: https://twitter.com/timoteopinto/ Timothy Leary’s 8 Circuits of Consciousness Model are discussed in detail by Robert Anton Wilson in his book Prometheus Rising, in which RAW explores each circuit with typical humor and pragmatism. To join a discussion group of this topic (and others), contact: E.GregorX23@Protonmail.com

Shield Your Eyes: The Goddess is Unveiled

we are told, that we will go through madness, discover the power of myth, and be exposed to a great mystery beyond. Anthropologists might call those the three stages of initiation, and this podzine might be just that. I cannot recommend it enough