About the Cosmic Liminality

Further thoughts The Cosmic Liminality is a surrealist project aimed at capturing the strange occurrences happening in the world as we move through the liminal phase of global (cosmic) initiation that I believe we’re currently living in. Background: In the anthropological study of initiation there are three phases found in instances all over the worldContinue reading “About the Cosmic Liminality”

Heartbreak Retrospective

A video collage on the monstrous liminality of loneliness among friends. (This is probably the most heartfelt piece I’ve made. It still haunts me. I make experimental video art over on YouTube. Please visit, like and subscribe.) If you would like to join in the monstrous liminality of friendship in this strange simulation, check outContinue reading “Heartbreak Retrospective”

Dropping the Ball, X-games

I wrote a big long essay full of pretty language about heartbreak and the deliberate smashing of dreams. I liked it and was going to turn it into a post here. Then I dropped my phone. Buttons were hit. Words lost… Meh. Typical Gen X ball dropping. It was overly self-important, totally melodramatic and wayContinue reading “Dropping the Ball, X-games”


What makes you nervous? Anytime someone claims to be absolutely certain, I get a creeping feeling of unease, like the world has just lost something important. Doubt is important. Questions are keys to endless gateways into tomorrow. Whenever someone becomes certain, a part of them dies. And if the certainty goes unchecked, others might follow.Continue reading “Certainty”

Committee for Surrealist Investigation of Claims of the Normal. (CSICON)

by Robert Anton Wilson Wilson describes himself as a “guerilla ontologist,” signifying his intent to ATTACK language and knowledge the way terrorists ATTACK their targets: to jump out from the shadows for an unprovoked ATTACK, then slink back and hide behind a hearty belly-laugh.— Robert Sheaffer, The Skeptical Inquirer, Summer 1990 Dublin, 1986. I hadContinue reading “Committee for Surrealist Investigation of Claims of the Normal. (CSICON)”

Thoughts on the Liminality (for non heroes)

Liminality is the middle phase of a right of passage, when the initiate has died to their old life, but not yet ascended to a new one. The initiate is betwixt and between, wandering in a land of ghosts and untamed magic. While the Liminality is a lonely, often scary place, it is a necessaryContinue reading “Thoughts on the Liminality (for non heroes)”

AI is pretty cool, but can it art?

“Art may be characterized in terms of mimesis (its representation of reality), expression, communication of emotion, or other qualities. Though the definition of what constitutes art is disputed and has changed over time, general descriptions center on the idea of imaginative or technical skill stemming from human agency and creation.” – So what are these wonderful things the AI are making?

The 3rd Circuit:

Clip: “Trapped in intellectual symbols and time.” From: https://twitter.com/timoteopinto/ Timothy Leary’s 8 Circuits of Consciousness Model are discussed in detail by Robert Anton Wilson in his book Prometheus Rising, in which RAW explores each circuit with typical humor and pragmatism. To join a discussion group of this topic (and others), contact: E.GregorX23@Protonmail.com

A Call To Weirdness

Operation D.I.S.T.A.N.C.E. Operation DISTANCE (Dataplex Inter-Sigil Techno-Arcane Neural Connection Engineering) is going to save the world. We live in frighteningly liminal times, increasingly cut off from the familiar ways of the past, and facing a future few people can truly prepare for. The exponential advances in human technology we are living through will soon escapeContinue reading “A Call To Weirdness”

#Fnordmaze Scrying

We’ve all, at some point, found ourselves in some deep, strange rabbit hole of the internet seemingly by accident. “How the fuck did I end up here,” we ask (maybe even out-loud as we discover we’ve actually contracted some kind of memetic virus). The answer to the question of rabbit holes is, of course: theContinue reading “#Fnordmaze Scrying”