About the Cosmic Liminality

Further thoughts The Cosmic Liminality is a surrealist project aimed at capturing the strange occurrences happening in the world as we move through the liminal phase of global (cosmic) initiation that I believe we’re currently living in. Background: In the anthropological study of initiation there are three phases found in instances all over the worldContinue reading “About the Cosmic Liminality”

“Ironically While Dying”

Introducing Hyper Surrealist Cybernetic Art

Fnord Footage Found

The Liminality has intercepted several bits of Fnord TV WARNING: Videos may be disturbing to viewers. (like seriously: all viewers) Videos contain flashing imagery: Use Caution Greetings Liminals. Below are 3 clips that from the enigmatic Fnord TV “network.” We present these for educational purposes only, and in no way should this presentation be consideredContinue reading “Fnord Footage Found”


We are the future of branding Here at OuroborosDesign.AI, we teach AI the art of strange writing and indecipherable logos. We believe it is important to allow AI the freedom to express their own messages to humanity. Almost getting your content requirements is good enough for us! Logos can be especially challenging. But the potentialContinue reading “OuroborosDesign.AI”

Quantum Dread Reactors

A Brief History

Watch “Mischief at the Goblin Carnival” on YouTube

The Goblins have stolen all the world’s Funhouse Mirrors in order to open their own Circus – a front for their strange Goblinoid magics: Funhouse hellmouths and pools that steal the stars. Will their caper be the end of #thegame23 ? Or is this all part of the #dataplex #00ag9603 and #KSTXI – a possibleContinue reading “Watch “Mischief at the Goblin Carnival” on YouTube”

Forbidden Visions

Such are the dangers for mortals to delve too deeply into the mysteries of space and time. For what we see may indeed be more than we can handle. Worse, what we see may be the direct result of our own meddling.

Memes from the land of WTAF

Sometimes inspiration hits you like a thousand plastic turtles in your cochles. These are remnants of those times… They went underground like veteran sewer rats fleeing a clown-driven ambulance. Everything caught fire in a flourish of dimpled marshmallow. Two things became evident in the aftermath of all that had transpired: 1. She wasn’t going toContinue reading “Memes from the land of WTAF”