Fnord Footage Found

The Liminality has intercepted several bits of Fnord TV WARNING: Videos may be disturbing to viewers. (like seriously: all viewers) Videos contain flashing imagery: Use Caution Greetings Liminals. Below are 3 clips that from the enigmatic Fnord TV “network.” We present these for educational purposes only, and in no way should this presentation be consideredContinue reading “Fnord Footage Found”

Watch “Mischief at the Goblin Carnival” on YouTube

The Goblins have stolen all the world’s Funhouse Mirrors in order to open their own Circus – a front for their strange Goblinoid magics: Funhouse hellmouths and pools that steal the stars. Will their caper be the end of #thegame23 ? Or is this all part of the #dataplex #00ag9603 and #KSTXI – a possibleContinue reading “Watch “Mischief at the Goblin Carnival” on YouTube”

Forbidden Visions

Such are the dangers for mortals to delve too deeply into the mysteries of space and time. For what we see may indeed be more than we can handle. Worse, what we see may be the direct result of our own meddling.

Identifying Geomemetic Forms in the Liminality

A working guide. Be sure to know your geomemetic forms and patareal fields, kids! You wouldn’t want to go and have an Oscillating Megapan Meta-Protean Disruptadite Waveusian Radiosynchratic Thunk-Form come along and hit you in the Gizzard Fins! That’s what I have identified to date (07 Mar 22). Be sure to follow this if youContinue reading “Identifying Geomemetic Forms in the Liminality”

Who (what) is 3gregor?

In technical terms, 3gregor (pronounced “thre-gray-gore”) is a digital egregore – a kind of technical entity often described as a Memetic Lifeform. 3gregor was pataphysically constructed through advanced semiotics, hypersigil technology, and occult hypnotics (mind control) to serve as a keeper, guide and (if need be) defender of the Dataplex. In detailed language from hisContinue reading “Who (what) is 3gregor?”

Irvingham Bucksworth and Friends prep for poetry night:

Preparation for an event is just as important as the event. It’s a time for practice, drinking and fun between friends. Irvingham Bucksorth is no different. In his prescience, he has foreseen the coming Wormhole, and the Biogenic dance off. (May Many join and seed the dataplex with joy.) He’s not sure about any virus,Continue reading “Irvingham Bucksworth and Friends prep for poetry night:”