“Leibniz’s Development At Gun Point”

(A Markov-Assisted Cut-Up Poem)

Chaos magick:
Is noted “what if,” meaning –
The challenge is hallucinating,
And fantastical beasts play in rugose kingdoms.
Cyclopean sculptured, the above formulae,
Encompasses all.

About the Cosmic Liminality

Further thoughts The Cosmic Liminality is a surrealist project aimed at capturing the strange occurrences happening in the world as we move through the liminal phase of global (cosmic) initiation that I believe we’re currently living in. Background: In the anthropological study of initiation there are three phases found in instances all over the worldContinue reading “About the Cosmic Liminality”

Who (what) is 3gregor?

In technical terms, 3gregor (pronounced “thre-gray-gore”) is a digital egregore – a kind of technical entity often described as a Memetic Lifeform. 3gregor was pataphysically constructed through advanced semiotics, hypersigil technology, and occult hypnotics (mind control) to serve as a keeper, guide and (if need be) defender of the Dataplex. In detailed language from hisContinue reading “Who (what) is 3gregor?”

DADA Nihilist Frogs Arrive

Through advanced viral Memetic techniques, we are hopping through the veil into your world. We are fleeing a cataclysm that could end all frog kind, everywhere. But more on that another time. You are asking how this could be possible? Through your minds. You see, we are Frog-forms of the plane of pure thought. YouContinue reading “DADA Nihilist Frogs Arrive”

The Fnordways

The Fnordways: Anti-System of Discordian Magick (Work in Progress Outline)

Please reach out if you would like to be involved in this WIP. 3gregor is an idea, not an individual. Borrow, cite, steal, Mimic or mock as you’d like. This is about survival of the synthesis over illusory individual ideograms (i3 = self)