DADA Nihilist Frogs Arrive

Through advanced viral Memetic techniques, we are hopping through the veil into your world. We are fleeing a cataclysm that could end all frog kind, everywhere. But more on that another time. You are asking how this could be possible? Through your minds. You see, we are Frog-forms of the plane of pure thought. YouContinue reading “DADA Nihilist Frogs Arrive”

Humanity is on the Brink (extended essay)

Reality, Hyperreality/Norm and Normal. (Cont.) After some reader feedback, I felt the need to clarify the last post, “Para-Prophetic Memes and the Hyper-Normal Apocalypse Paradox” You’ll find that here, with examples. You’re also going to find commentary on the political state of affairs in this country. So let me start by telling you that IContinue reading “Humanity is on the Brink (extended essay)”