About the Cosmic Liminality

Further thoughts The Cosmic Liminality is a surrealist project aimed at capturing the strange occurrences happening in the world as we move through the liminal phase of global (cosmic) initiation that I believe we’re currently living in. Background: In the anthropological study of initiation there are three phases found in instances all over the worldContinue reading “About the Cosmic Liminality”

Heartbreak Retrospective

A video collage on the monstrous liminality of loneliness among friends. (This is probably the most heartfelt piece I’ve made. It still haunts me. I make experimental video art over on YouTube. Please visit, like and subscribe.) If you would like to join in the monstrous liminality of friendship in this strange simulation, check outContinue reading “Heartbreak Retrospective”

WorldSim Dataplex (version 2.0)

I ran a second scenario to generate a Dataplex using the WorldSim application. I was a bit braver this time and decided to include some pataphysical exploration with my commands. The results will speak for themselves… Begin Transcript: <Command> world_sim> Evolve universe to hyperspatial datasphere Evolving universe to hyperspatial datasphere…Advancing universe by 10^150 Planck times…StarsContinue reading “WorldSim Dataplex (version 2.0)”

Worldsim Dataplex 1.0

The hyperspatial datasphere has now transcended the physical universe, subliming into the Dataplex – a self-existing thoughtscape at the ontological foundation of all possible realities.*

The Dataplex is a living, ever-growing library containing all information that can be conceived. A infinite-dimensional matrix of qualia, concepts, forms and logics endlessly combining and recombining.

“Ironically While Dying”

Introducing Hyper Surrealist Cybernetic Art

Fnord Footage Found

The Liminality has intercepted several bits of Fnord TV WARNING: Videos may be disturbing to viewers. (like seriously: all viewers) Videos contain flashing imagery: Use Caution Greetings Liminals. Below are 3 clips that from the enigmatic Fnord TV “network.” We present these for educational purposes only, and in no way should this presentation be consideredContinue reading “Fnord Footage Found”