Last Record The Albatross

Shuttle AT-253 (aka The Albatross) has discovered an ancient (apparently abandoned) alien city of cyclopean proportions. This is the broadcast record of their approach and exploration. Neither ship nor crew have been found Discover more content on our YouTube channel: Cosmic Liminality Please like, comment and subscribe. It means a lot.

Watch “Mischief at the Goblin Carnival” on YouTube

The Goblins have stolen all the world’s Funhouse Mirrors in order to open their own Circus – a front for their strange Goblinoid magics: Funhouse hellmouths and pools that steal the stars. Will their caper be the end of #thegame23 ? Or is this all part of the #dataplex #00ag9603 and #KSTXI – a possibleContinue reading “Watch “Mischief at the Goblin Carnival” on YouTube”

When walls start talking…

Maybe it was the sheer isolation of being sequestered out here in the desolation of the Liminality, under some pretense of safeguarding a heart, that brought everything to life. It’s possible. Loneliness has an immense power, and boredom even more. When the mind is deprived of the interactions it evolved to facilitate, perhaps it isContinue reading “When walls start talking…”

Key to the Plane of Crystaline Eyes

Among the crystaline fragments of bygone eyes, Yog Sothoth (the gate and the key) waits brooding for the next great dreamer to come and weaken the veil through the Liminality. Might it be you this day?