Welcome to LiminalSec

An Automatonamous DisOrganizationof RealityGlitch Hacktivists WARNING: The mind you f#+k is usually your own So, when I started this site up, I thought I would share a bunch of stuff that was liminal (things besides just pictures of liminal spaces). Turns out, whenever I start thinking about sharing something, it ceases to seem so liminal.Continue reading “Welcome to LiminalSec”

Committee for Surrealist Investigation of Claims of the Normal. (CSICON)

by Robert Anton Wilson Wilson describes himself as a “guerilla ontologist,” signifying his intent to ATTACK language and knowledge the way terrorists ATTACK their targets: to jump out from the shadows for an unprovoked ATTACK, then slink back and hide behind a hearty belly-laugh.— Robert Sheaffer, The Skeptical Inquirer, Summer 1990 Dublin, 1986. I hadContinue reading “Committee for Surrealist Investigation of Claims of the Normal. (CSICON)”

Thoughts on the Liminality (for non heroes)

Liminality is the middle phase of a right of passage, when the initiate has died to their old life, but not yet ascended to a new one. The initiate is betwixt and between, wandering in a land of ghosts and untamed magic. While the Liminality is a lonely, often scary place, it is a necessaryContinue reading “Thoughts on the Liminality (for non heroes)”

When walls start talking…

Maybe it was the sheer isolation of being sequestered out here in the desolation of the Liminality, under some pretense of safeguarding a heart, that brought everything to life. It’s possible. Loneliness has an immense power, and boredom even more. When the mind is deprived of the interactions it evolved to facilitate, perhaps it isContinue reading “When walls start talking…”

The 3rd Circuit:

Clip: “Trapped in intellectual symbols and time.” From: https://twitter.com/timoteopinto/ Timothy Leary’s 8 Circuits of Consciousness Model are discussed in detail by Robert Anton Wilson in his book Prometheus Rising, in which RAW explores each circuit with typical humor and pragmatism. To join a discussion group of this topic (and others), contact: E.GregorX23@Protonmail.com