In the Liminality, the stores shop for you…

I think I wandered into a weird pocket dimension earlier today. I had to get specific things from Walmart for something my wife was planning on making. I never go to Walmart; I never actually even go to this town as I live equidistant between this town and one about 10x the size. But IContinue reading “In the Liminality, the stores shop for you…”

Danse Macabre

Sometimes the graveyard statues have gatherings. These can turn into wild, elaborate affairs with fancy garments made from casket lining, and other accoutrements fashioned from assorted grave goods. A graveyard statue dance party is a strange thing to come upon in the Liminality. The lights and must are unmatched. Yet they play for stone-still statuesContinue reading “Danse Macabre”

#Fnordmaze Scrying

We’ve all, at some point, found ourselves in some deep, strange rabbit hole of the internet seemingly by accident. “How the fuck did I end up here,” we ask (maybe even out-loud as we discover we’ve actually contracted some kind of memetic virus). The answer to the question of rabbit holes is, of course: theContinue reading “#Fnordmaze Scrying”

Irvingham Bucksworth and Friends prep for poetry night:

Preparation for an event is just as important as the event. It’s a time for practice, drinking and fun between friends. Irvingham Bucksorth is no different. In his prescience, he has foreseen the coming Wormhole, and the Biogenic dance off. (May Many join and seed the dataplex with joy.) He’s not sure about any virus,Continue reading “Irvingham Bucksworth and Friends prep for poetry night:”

The Fnordways

The Fnordways: Anti-System of Discordian Magick (Work in Progress Outline)

Please reach out if you would like to be involved in this WIP. 3gregor is an idea, not an individual. Borrow, cite, steal, Mimic or mock as you’d like. This is about survival of the synthesis over illusory individual ideograms (i3 = self)